Facturas Cloud Apps

Facturas Cloud: Your Invoicing App 2.0.11
Facturas Cloud is a billing App that will allow you to controlyourbusiness in an agile and simple way. Specially designed forSMEsand freelancers. CARRY OUT YOUR OPERATIONS WHEREVER YOUAREWHENEVER YOU NEED IT We are convinced that one of the advantagesofan online billing program is precisely this, that you havethepossibility to use it whenever you need it, at any time andfromany device. ALL THE INFORMATION OF YOUR BUSINESS IN A SINGLEAPP -Various types of documents: Invoices, budgets, deliverynotes,proforma invoices, receipts and expenses. - Contacts: Clientsandsuppliers. - Products and services. WITHOUT LOSING DETAIL OFYOURACCOUNTS - Collections and payments: You will be able to writedownboth the collections that customers are making, and thepaymentsyou make to your suppliers. You will know at all timeswhatcollections and payments are pending or have expired. -Bankreconciliation: You will have the possibility of registeringallthe movements as if you were a bank entity and contrast themwiththose of your real bank. WITH THE BEST REPORTS For you to beawareof the evolution of your business, you will have dashboardsandreports with the information that interests you: -Economicevolution. - Benefits obtained. - Cash flow. - Tax summary.- Salesand purchases by product or service. - Operations carriedout. SAVETIME WHEN CREATING YOUR DOCUMENTS - Copy: You will createa newinvoice by copying an existing one in a couple of clicks.-Templates: You can create your own templates. The informationfromthis template will be used automatically in your newdocuments:Payment method, legal conditions, taxes, graphic aspect,etc. -Automatic numbering and unlimited series: You will not searchagainto find out which is the last invoice you made, we already doitfor you. In addition, you will have as many series as youneed,each one with its own independent numbering. And what abouttheturn of the year? You decide what to do. Do you want thenumberingto be restarted or to continue the previous year?MASSIVEOPERATIONS We know that your time is money and that is whywe giveyou the possibility of carrying out massive operations.These aresome examples: - Create an invoice from multiple deliverynotes. -Send in a single e-mail all the estimates that a clienthasrequested. - Mark as collected all the invoices that you havebeenpaid in the last month. - Download in PDF the delivery notesforthe last quarter. - Mark as accepted all the quotes from thelastweek that your clients have hired you. REDUCE PROCEDURES WITHYOURMANAGEMENT How much time do you invest in sending allyourdocumentation to the agency? Document scans, paper prints,e-mailsor even trips to the office. You will be able to save allthoseprocedures and spend more time on what matters, your business.Andhow can you do it? You just have to enter the email of youragency.They will receive access to Invoices Cloud from where theycan seeyour invoices and expenses to include them in thestatements. Oncedone, they can mark them as processed and you willbe informed ofeverything. PROFESSIONAL IMAGE You will have thepossibility toconfigure a multitude of parameters to adjust theformat and designof your documents. You will project theprofessional image youdeserve adapted to your business brand. Whatcan you configure? -Graphic appearance: logo, colors, font, fontsize, margins,background image etc. - Format of the numbering ofyour documents.How is the numbering of your documents? F-0001/2020?Or maybeF0000001-20? You decide how you want the system to work.-Multi-currency. You can use the currency you need. Thewholeprogram automatically starts working with that currency. Inwhatlanguage do you want your customers to receive the invoicedata?You can also configure it as you need.